COVID-19 has affected the world in many different ways. In particular, COVID-19 has taken away so much for the class of 2020. This blog post is dedicated to all of the students who were supposed to graduate in 2020.
The world that we live in is forever changing. But that doesn't mean you should lose hope. With all of the tough news that is happening throughout the world, let's focus on some positive news.
You did it! You're GRADUATING. Whether it's from high school, college, or a graduate program, your hard work has not gone unnoticed. You did that. You didn't give up. You did what some people thought you never could. You were strong enough to get through every obstacle that got in your way before this point. And for that, you should celebrate!
You are not alone. There are people all over the world who can relate to all of the emotions you are feeling at this moment... and those of us who can't relate personally can definitely empathize. Before I go, I'd like to leave you with this quote:
"Now is not the time to give up. God has brought you this far and after all you went through to get to this point, know that He is still with you. So keep doing good and trusting Him. Don't grow weary. Your time IS coming, and through Him, you are going to make it."
We are so proud of you! We love you! We can't wait to see the big things you do in the world. Keep being the change you want to see.